Public Platform's mission is to help authors, academics, thought leaders and public intellectuals build an audience and increase their reach. Public Platform was designed & built to help thought leaders build and grow their platform/tribe.

We provide journal management to support for academics and institutions.


  • Studies in Calling and Vocation

    Studies in Vocation and Calling is a peer reviewed, open access journal that advances the scholarly study of calling and vocation in higher education. We invite submissions on the theory and the practice of vocational exploration in higher education from specific academic disciplines and interdisciplinary approaches. We also seek submissions with co-curricular perspectives from other areas of campus life, such as career services, community engagement, experiential learning, and spiritual life.

  • Reformed Journal

    Reformed Journal‘s purpose is to express the Reformed faith theologically; to engage issues that Reformed Christians meet in personal, ecclesiastical, and societal life; and thus to contribute to the mission of the church of Jesus Christ.

  • Christian Scholar's Review

    Established in 1970, Christian Scholar’s Review is a medium for communication among Christians who have been called to an academic vocation. Its primary objective is the publication of peer-reviewed scholarship and research, within and across the disciplines, that advances the integration of faith and learning and contributes to a broader and more unified understanding of the nature of creation, culture, and vocation and the responsibilities of those whom God has created. It also provides a forum for discussion of pedagogical and theoretical issues related to Christian higher education. It invites contributions from Christian scholars of all historic traditions, and from others sympathetic to the task of religiously-informed scholarship, that advance the work of Christian academic communities and enhance mutual understanding with other religious and academic communities.